Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Deploy Apache web server using openLDAP and Keycloak token based authentication

Summary :

This post will show about how to integrate Apache web server, openldap with keycloak.

Keycloak is an open source software product to allow single sign-on with Identity Management and Access Management aimed at modern applications and services.

OpenLDAP is a free, open-source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol developed by the OpenLDAP Project.

Test environment :

virtual machine1:

  • Installed: Centos 7 , Apache 2.4, openldap
  • Host name: ldap-apache
  • Internal IP:
  • Temp Public IP:

virtual machine2:

  • Installed: Centos 7 , keycloak
  • Host name: keycloak
  • Internal IP:
  • Temp Public IP:

Follow below steps on virtual machine1:
Install Apache 2.4 web server

yum install httpd -y
systemctl enable httpd.service
systemctl start httpd

To set up the self-signed certificate, we have to install mod_ssl.

yum install mod_ssl -y

Create directory to keep certificate and this directory must be kept strictly private:

mkdir /etc/ssl/private
chmod 700 /etc/ssl/private

Create the SSL key and certificate files using openssl:

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 \
-newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key \
-out /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt

Create a strong Diffie-Hellman group for to negotiate Perfect Forward Secrecy with clients:

openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 2048
cat /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt
Install the OpenLDAP packages:

yum install openldap compat-openldap \
openldap-clients openldap-servers \
openldap-servers-sql openldap-devel -y

Enable and initialize the openLDAP service:

systemctl enable slapd
systemctl start slapd

Allow ldap on firewall:
firewall-cmd --add-service=ldap
firewall-cmd --reload

Configuring openLDAP server
Generate the OpenLDAP root password:

slappasswd -h {SSHA} –s your_password
Make entry in /etc/hosts file:

vim /etc/hosts
<ip address> ldap-apache.local

Create the openLDAP configuration file:

vim /etc/openldap/slapd.d/conf.ldif

dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcSuffix
olcSuffix: dc=ldap-apache,dc=local

dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootDN
olcRootDN: cn=root,dc= ldap-apache,dc=local

dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootPW
olcRootPW: {SSHA}8ipIU8QRc24R18BYG2A5kpVP9yaV+EqB

Upload the configuration created to openLDAP with ldapmodify:

ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/slapd.d/conf.ldif 
Configuring the openLDAP Database:
Copy the example database and grant it permissions:

cp /usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
chown ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap/*

Add the rest of the schemas:

ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.ldif
ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/nis.ldif
ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.ldif

Create our file named base.ldif

vim /etc/openldap/slapd.d/base.ldif

dn: dc=ldap-apache,dc=local
dc: ldap-apache
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain

dn: cn=root ,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local
objectClass: organizationalRole
cn: root
description: LDAP Manager

dn: ou=users,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Users

dn: ou=Group,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Group

ldapadd -x -W -D "cn=root,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local" -f base.ldif


Create a user for openLDAP using newuser.ldif

vim /etc/openldap/slapd.d/newuser.ldif

dn: uid=devops,ou=users,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local
objectClass: top
objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
cn: devops
uid: devops
uidNumber: 9999
gidNumber: 100
homeDirectory: /home/devops
loginShell: /bin/bash
gecos: user
userPassword: {crypt}x
shadowLastChange: 17058
shadowMin: 0
shadowMax: 99999
shadowWarning: 7

ldapadd -x -W -D "cn=root,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local" -f newuser.ldif
Give the new user a password:

ldappasswd -s ansible123 -W -D "cn=root,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local" -x "uid=devops,ou=users,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local"
Test ldap server in order:

ldapsearch -x cn=devops -b dc=ldap-apache,dc=local
Check client authentication from client machine:
Install necessary packages for client authentication:

yum install openldap openldap-clients nss-pam-ldapd

Enable the client system to authenticate using LDAP:

authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth --ldapserver=ldap-apache.local \
--ldapbasedn="dc=ldap-apache,dc=local" --enablemkhomedir --update

Restart ldap client daemon:

systemctl restart nslcd

Check user ldap entry:

getent passwd devops

Install Keycloak

Download and unpack Keycloak 4.8.3
cd /opt
tar xzf keycloak-4.8.3.Final.tar.gz
Add keycloak user and change ownership of files

groupadd -r keycloak
useradd -m -d /var/lib/keycloak -s /sbin/nologin -r -g keycloak keycloak
chown keycloak: -R keycloak-4.8.3.Final
Restrict access to keycloak-4.8.3.Final/standalone, which will contain sensitive data for the Keycloak server

cd keycloak-4.8.3.Final
sudo -u keycloak chmod 700 standalone
Install JDK 1.8.0

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
Added ‘admin’ to ‘/opt/keycloak-4.8.3.Final/standalone/configuration/keycloak-add-user.json’, Restart server to load user.

sudo -u keycloak ./bin/ --user admin --password KEYCLOAKPASS --realm master
Modify standalone/configuration/standalone.xml to enable proxying to Keycloak:

sudo -u keycloak ./bin/ \

sudo -u keycloak ./bin/ \

sudo -u keycloak ./bin/ \
Start Keycloak Server

Create keycloak.service to start and stop the server:

sudo cat > /etc/systemd/system/keycloak.service <<EOF

Description=KeyCloak Jboss Application Server

ExecStart=/opt/keycloak-4.8.3.Final/bin/ -b

start keycloak:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start keycloak

Install apache to use Keycloak GUI.

Open Keycloak GUI using external IP:

Integrating openLDAP with Keycloak

Console Display Name: ldap
Import Users: ON
Edit Mode: Writeable
Sync Registration: ON
Vendor: Other
Username LDAP attribute: uid
RDN LDAP attribute: uid
UUID LDAP attribute: uid
User Object Classes: inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson
Connection URL: ldap://      (openLDAP server IP)
Users DN: ou=users,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local
Authentication Type: Simple
Bind DN: cn=root,dc=ldap-apache,dc=local
Bind Credential: XXXXXXX                      (OpenLDAP admin user password)
Search Scope: one level
Use Truststore SPI : Only for ldaps

Configure clients

Client ID: apache
Client Protocol: openid-connect
Access Type: confidential
Valid Redirect URIs:

Configure ssl.conf on Apache server

Listen 443 https
SSLPassPhraseDialog exec:/usr/libexec/httpd-ssl-pass-dialog
SSLSessionCache         shmcb:/run/httpd/sslcache(512000)
SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom  256
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
SSLCryptoDevice builtin

#LoadModule auth_openidc_module modules/

<VirtualHost _default_:443>

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
ServerName ldap-apache

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log
TransferLog logs/ssl_access_log
LogLevel warn

SSLEngine on

SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key

BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-5]" \
         nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
         downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

CustomLog logs/ssl_request_log \
          "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

#this is required by mod_auth_openidc
OIDCCryptoPassphrase a-random-secret-used-by-apache-oidc-and-balancer

OIDCClientID apache
OIDCClientSecret 494ae6ea-f7e3-4888-9928-03b0e3bee328

# maps the prefered_username claim to the REMOTE_USER environment variable
OIDCRemoteUserClaim preferred_username
OIDCSSLValidateServer Off

<Location /protected>
    AuthType openid-connect
    Require valid-user

<Directory /var/www/html/protected>
    Options +Includes
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html


SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLHonorCipherOrder On

Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains"
Header always set X-Frame-Options DENY
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
SSLCompression off 
SSLUseStapling on 
SSLStaplingCache "shmcb:logs/stapling-cache(150000)" 

LDAPLibraryDebug 7
Verify authentication
curl -k -d 'client_id=apache' \
-d 'username=keyuser1' \
-d 'password=test123' \
-d 'grant_type=password' \
-d 'client_secret=494ae6ea-f7e3-4888-9928-03b0e3bee328'\
 '' | python -m json.tool  

curl -k -u keyuser1   (prompt you to type the password)


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